Please contact the White House and ask President Biden to support Ukraine.
To contact the White House, please call: (202) 456-1111 or visit the website at: whitehouse.gov/contact
Sample letter to President Biden
Dear President Biden:
I am deeply incensed by your remarks during Wednesday’s press conference. Qualifying Russia’s actions in Ukraine on a sliding scale of response by the United States and the West is irresponsible at best, dangerous at worst. Such comments could prove to strengthen the Kremlin’s resolve for continued aggressive exploits against Ukraine, including further invasion into sovereign Ukrainian territory. ANY incursion by Russia against Ukraine must be met with severe and punishing consequences.
As a strategic partner of the United States, Ukraine deserves our full support for deterring Russian aggression, which includes imposing immediate punitive sanctions, providing a surge of military assistance, and expediting Ukraine’s accession to NATO.
The United States provided commitments to Ukraine in 1994 with the signing of the Budapest Memorandum. Please uphold those obligations by suppressing the Kremlin’s aggressive actions against Ukraine.