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Palm Sunday.
Palm Sunday commemorates Christ triumphant entry to Jerusalem when people cheered Jesus coming by laying palm leaves at his feet. Catholic celebrate around the world but in Poland and in Polonia communities in the USA, people bring to church palms for blessing. There...
Niedziela Palmowa w polskich kościołach, w USA.
Ponad 60 procent populacji USA to Chrześcijanie, pierwszy katolicki kościół zbudowano tutaj w stanie Nowy Meksyk, w Santa Fe w 1610 roku roku, była to misja San Miguel. Potem powstawały kolejne misje na zachodnim wybrzeżu USA. Największa katolicka archidiecezja w...
The Polish American Congress statement on support for Ukraine.
Oświadczenie Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej w Sprawie Wsparcia dla Ukrainy.
The Polish American Congress Statment. Oświadczenie Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej z okazji 25 rocznicy wstąpienia Polski do NATO.
Today we celebrate the Presidents’ Day.
Washington’s Birthday is a U.S. federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, the first president of the United States. Increasingly, the holiday has become an occasion to celebrate the birthdays of both President George...
The PAC President’s letter to the Speaker of the House.
The Polish American Congress’ Statement
“The Peasants” (“Chłopi”) is now playing in selected theaters in the USA.
Movie “The Peasants” (“Chłopi”) is now playing in selected theaters in New York. Shows time and locations: Opens in Los Angeles on Friday, February 2nd and coming soon to the theaters nationwide. Trailer:...